X Leadership

By PayanX (other events)

Thursday, January 16 2014 5:00 AM 6:00 AM PDT

A year ago this month, a faithful few gathered before the sun came up in a dark downtown alley. The more we gathered the more we inspired each other to breakthrough disempowering mindsets. We soon realized the the attraction to PayanX was not that it was for free, but that it was TO FREE. We became free from old patterns that held us back and as the number of warriors grew, the word spread. It’s been amazing to witness friendships form and a community emerge from the ground up. PayanX now meets in several locations throughout California and even a few outside of the state. 

This Thursday, January 16th, at 5am I would like to meet with you for about an hour to share our newest developments. You have been hand-selected amoung the hundreds of warriors who choose a 'We Do Hard Things" lifestyle. It will be a brief meeting and yet a pivotal gathering as we look to the future.

I look forward to seeing you Thursday Morning. Yes, it's early. We Do Hard Things. 

Marc Payan
CVO and Founder
PayanX Labs